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    Quick Start Guide

    !!! Important !!! BROKEN_FIELD shaders often results in rapidly flashing or flickering output!

    BROKEN_FIELD is a tiny shader toy inspired by Bytebeat music. BROKEN_FIELD can be used to create or procedurally generate tiny, interactive art programs. The textbox above defines a simple per-pixel shader. The output of the shader is then displayed on the canvas on the right. For each pixel, the program is expected to output an integer. The value of the integer, modulo 256, determines the brightness of the corresponding outputted pixel.

    As an example, suppose we have the following program: sx * sy. This program is run for each pixel of the output canvas. Hence, for the pixel at coordinates (50, 30), the output of the program is 50 * 30 = 1500 mod 256 = 220 = 0xDC. By default, this gives that particular pixel the hex color 0x00DC00. This process is repeated for every pixel, which forms the final output image.

    Note that these programs are just fragments of GLSL inserted into a GLSL shader. Hence, all of the GLSL functions are available. See below for some technical details.


    Image & Video Export

    You can take a screenshot of the current canvas by using the "Take Screenshot" button or clicking on the canvas. This will take a picture of the canvas as a PNG and is shown in the small square below the canvas.

    You can also record a video of the current canvas by pressing "R". Press "R" again to stop the recording. Holding "Shift" while starting the recording will reset the current frame time to zero (or whatever the starting frame time is set to), allowing you to capture the start of the shader. This will export a WebM.

    Finally, you can also record a GIF using the "Record GIF" button. The "Manual Recording" input textboxes will determine which values of t will be shown in the exported GIF. Important! Large resolutions and long GIFs will take a long time to render and will have a large file size. You may want to use a site like ezgif to reduce the file size of the GIF.

    Complete list of variables

    You can append _f to any of these variables to get a float-valued verison of the variable. For example, t_f is equal to the current frame value, but as a float.

    Technical Details

    All of this stuff is just a GLSL fragment shader under the hood. Specifically, it's this shader:


    In the shader above, ${bytebeat} is substituted with whatever you type into the textarea.

    (The vertext shader is extremely boring. it is literally this four-line shader:


    The Internal Parser

    A typical program consists of just a GLSL expression. However, BROKEN_FIELD also supports declaring variables. This is done in typeical GLSL syntax. For example, here is a program using variables:

    int foo = sy * sx;
    int bar = 56 ^ mx;
    foo * t + bar
    A few extensions to this syntax are provided via the Internal Parser. First, declarations may be elided. If this is done, BROKEN_FIELD will attempt to infer a reasonable type for the variable. Second, types may be automatically coerced using int(), float(), bool() and so on. This is only done if the program does not already compile as normal GLSL. In otherwords, treating the input as GLSL code is prefered over the Internal Parser when possible. Please note that the Internal Parser probably isn't perfect and doesn't understand all of the possible constructs you can do in GLSL, so there's a good chance it won't work if you use something really tricky with it.

    You can see what shader code is actually running under the Shader Information dropdown, which also shows whether or not the code is treated as raw GLSL or was internally parsed.